8 Common Mistakes You Make When Washing Your Face

Washing your face is a gesture that is part of the day to day and that has to do with hygiene and personal hygiene. However, when it is taken into account as an aesthetic measure, it is common for some mistakes to be made. 

The skin of the face is different from the rest of the body and has specific needs, even if it does not seem so at first glance. Therefore, it is not correct to pretend to provide the same care. In doing so, it is only possible to alter it, which translates into problems such as irritation, dryness, tightness, imperfections, among others.

Can you tell if you wash your face properly every day? In case you have doubts, you should review the most common mistakes that are made below.

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1. You don’t wash your hands

Taking into account that with our hands we touch all kinds of surfaces and objects, and that therefore, they are in direct contact with dirt, dust, germs and bacteria, it is clear that the most correct thing is not to manipulate the face without having previously washed them.

Many people spend all day wearing makeup and when they get home, they do not wash their hands, but after doing various activities, they stand in front of the mirror, take a cotton ball, soak it in miscellar water or some other similar product and proceed to pass it directly to “clean”. By doing this, they do not realize that they have already soiled the cotton and that they are now applying it to the face – which already had an accumulation of makeup and dirt – which promotes the appearance of impurities.

2. You don’t use the right products

Surely you have a favorite soap. Maybe you love it because it’s fresh, smells good, and leaves your skin looking clean and “soft.” However, the truth is that perhaps this soap is not the most suitable for your skin type.

The ideal cleanser should remove dirt, dust, and makeup without stripping the skin’s natural oils. Therefore, not just any bar soap for the toilet or any shower gel will do.

On the other hand, remember that the humidity and heat of summer is not the same as the cold of winter. See which cleansers are best for each time of year and you will always be one step ahead when it comes to taking care of your face.

3. You don’t exfoliate / you exfoliate excessively


Sometimes you will need to exfoliate your face, but in a timely manner since this is a procedure capable of drying out various types of skin, such as dry, sensitive and combination. In this line, some exfoliants could also damage it because they are made with too abrasive ingredients, or with too hard particles.

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology points out that it is usually enough to wash your face daily. But l Ideally, the exfoliation should be done once a week or twice a month (depending on skin type and the dermatologist’s instructions) and always using the right product.

4. You dry your face too hard

Are you one of those who wipe the towel quickly and vigorously after washing your face? Do you think that the drier the face, the cleaner it will be? Well, you are wrong. Not by drying with more vigor you are going to make you have less impurities or that less appear in the future.

By blotting with any cloth (cloth, paper, etc.) vigorously, you may be hurting the skin and making it more prone to irritation and other problems.

Try to always pat yourself dry.

5. You don’t apply the cleaner well

You must apply the cleaning product correctly. The pores they are the ones that will absorb it to carry it to the deep layers of the skin. Therefore, you must apply it with circular, light and smooth movements, or failing that, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you do it in a h way horizontal or vertical may take a little longer. Also, check and follow the instructions of the cleaner: you will see that, although it can be a slow process, it brings benefits.

6. You don’t use water at the right temperature

Tap water

There is a belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them. For this reason, many people end up drying and mistreating their skin.

If you choose to wash your face with very hot water, you will easily remove the natural oils that protect the skin. According to an article published by the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounds , this can lead to dryness and uncontrolled sebum production. Therefore, it is best to use warm water as it will not cause you any harm.

7. Instead of water, you use alcohol

If you use alcohol at 70, 90 or more degrees every day to “clean” your face, you should know that this way the only thing you get is to dry it out and expose it even more to all kinds of issues. Like other products, alcohol sweeps away the skin’s layer of natural oils, drying and irritating it.

8. You don’t clarify well

It is important that after applying the cleansing product you rinse it well with plenty of water so that no residue remains on your face that can then dry and adhere to the skin along with the new dirt that you accumulate thereafter.

Pay particular attention to this gesture when you’re in a rush in the morning or tired at night. What’s more , do not forget to rinse your jaw, hairline and T zone well. These are three places that are often easily ignored and that can be left with soap scum.

 Special care when washing your face

Perhaps you have made these mistakes on more than one occasion when washing your face and you had not even thought about it. Also, you may have thought that you only needed a little soap and cold water. However, the truth is that having a healthy complexion begins with a good cleaning every day.

Now you have a list of actions that you should avoid to carry out this gesture correctly and thus maintain the health and beauty of your skin.

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