8 Tricks To Avoid Bad Smells In The Garbage Can

 In this article, we want to focus on the bad odors that the garbage can produces and how we can keep it clean and sparkling so that it smells good.

Few people like housework, however, if we want to live in an odor-free, pleasant and beautiful space, we have to do our part. It’s easy when you put your mind to it or when you know how to clean.

8 tricks to keep your trash can odor-free

The trash can can easily get dirty, as we use it on a daily basis and therefore, depending on our cooking and our skills, it will be kept clean for more or less time.

We love to share valuable and useful information to achieve with small gestures improve the quality of our day to day. Therefore, we want to give you some tips so that success is assured.

First hygiene steps

  • Before placing the bag and whenever you consider it necessary, you should clean the bucket with a damp cloth to remove any debris. 
  • After lightly cleaning it with warm water, you can apply a grease remover, antibacterial, or disinfectant to remove organic traces.
  • Let it dry in the open air so that it does not take on moisture and then put a clean bag.

It is important to carry out this procedure at least once a week, otherwise the bad smells will reappear immediately.

In the same way, if you have a very old garbage can, it is damaged, broken or very dirty, what we recommend is that you throw it away and replace it with a new one.

Recycled trash cans can be made in multiple ways.

Sodium bicarbonate

It is very common to use bicarbonate in different ways, as it has a multitude of uses in terms of cleaning. To use it correctly, before placing the bag, apply a small layer to the bottom of the bucket. Since it is a natural deodorant, it will absorb bad odors without problem.

Renew it once a week to keep odors away. You can also combine it with orange or lemon zest depending on your taste.

Citrus fruit juice

Fruits smell very good, their aroma is usually fresh, pleasant and sweet. If you want to use this trick, go for lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit.

Citrus juice has disinfectant properties, so it can eliminate odors and act as an air freshener. To do this, apply a quantity of juice to the base of the garbage can with the help of a cloth.

Let dry and place the bag on top. It doesn’t have to be wet, so make sure it’s dry, as the sugar in the fruit can make it sticky.

Fruit peels

Fruit peels can be a good solution, we would also be recycling a natural product for our own well-being. To do this, place them in the bottom and then put the bag on top.

It will last approximately 5 days, until the piece is completely dehydrated; Afterward, be sure to change them so they don’t rot.

Vanilla or orange blossom extract

The essence of natural vanilla is one of the best home remedies to eliminate the smell of humidity from many spaces in the house.

The extracts have the advantage that they smell great and very good. You can buy and acquire the scent that you like the most and, after wetting a cotton ball with a few drops, leave it inside the empty bucket. The next day you will see the difference.

Tea tree

Since the tea tree began to be used continuously, we have not stopped being surprised by its wonderful benefits and properties.

The uses in terms of removing bad odors are very easy to perform. First, mix a cup of water with 20 drops of tea tree essence, then store it in a spray bottle and each time you change the bag, spray the bucket with this preparation.

This simple, effortless gesture produces amazing results. In addition, thanks to its anti-insect properties you will not have flies or bugs near the garbage.

It may interest you: 7 medicinal applications of tea tree oil that you will like to know.

Sand for cats

If you are one of those who have a cat for a pet, surely you have cat litter prepared for their needs. This is characterized by being very absorbent; To take advantage of its qualities, place a layer of sand at the bottom of the garbage can; remember to change it once a week.

White vinegar

White vinegar can help remove bad odors from your garbage can.

Like baking soda, vinegar is also used as a natural household cleaning product.

Place half a liter of white vinegar inside and fill the entire capacity of the bucket with water. Afterwards, let it act for an hour. Then, empty it, rinse it with water and let it dry in the sun completely. Bad smells will magically disappear.

Essential oils

Essential oils are concentrated perfumes with very beneficial natural qualities for the body. On this occasion, we will use them to treat the bad smell that the garbage gives off.

In the same way as with the tea tree,  mix in a container with a spray bottle water and 20 drops of the essential oil of your choice. We recommend mint and lavender, as they have antiseptic properties and leave a good aroma. Mix the oils and spray the cube. Afterwards, let them act until it dries.

Finally, remember to always throw out the trash at most every two days. If you manage to carry out a routine with these natural products to keep the garbage can clean, in a few days you will notice the results.

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