9 Reasons Why It Is Important To See A Professional Dietician

Normally we think that going to a professional dietician has the purpose of developing a diet specially designed to lose weight.

The appreciation is true, but only half. That is not the only role a dietitian can fulfill. He not only designs diets when we want to lose weight. In fact, their real job is to teach us to eat well.

Today, we will give you the details of the various reasons why you should see a professional dietitian frequently.

9 reasons why you should see a professional dietitian

1. Have diabetes and cardiovascular problems

diet for prediabetes

If you suffer from type 1 or 2 diabetes, a cardiovascular problem or high blood pressure, you need to be treated by a specialist in nutrition and dietetics. In your health condition, food plays a fundamental role.

Going to a professional dietitian is a must if you suffer from one of the aforementioned conditions. He will help you design an eating plan that will help you guarantee the consumption of the nutrients you need, in a healthy and safe way for you.

2. You want to lose weight

If your desire is to lose a few kilos, you require the advice of a nutrition professional. He will plan a diet according to the goal you want to achieve.

To do this, the dietitian will take into account your health, your physical condition, your family history, your age and weight at the time of evaluating you, among other factors.

With these data, it will give you some recommendations on your daily diet so that you can lose weight, in a way that is not dangerous to your health.

3. You want to gain weight

Most people think that there are no people who want to gain a few pounds. However, on certain occasions it is necessary, and some people must go to a professional dietitian because they need to increase their weight.

In this case, the specialist will prepare a diet taking into account the particular characteristics of the patient, as well as the goal that his body must achieve.

4. Suffering from digestive problems

Woman in digestive consultation

If you are one of the people who frequently have stomach, intestinal or indigestion problems, you should go to a professional dietitian to promptly evaluate you and detect which foods are causing you harm.

Likewise, the nutritionist will request the participation of other medical specialists if he suspects that your digestive problems are not due to any food, but to an organic reason. Generally, in these cases the dietitian works hand in hand with the gastroenterologist.

5. If you want to eat a healthy diet

You don’t necessarily have to want to lose or gain weight to seek the advice of a dietitian. Even if you think you are at an appropriate weight and feel good about it, it never hurts to take care of your health.

  • A person who wants to maintain a healthy weight must eat smart. In this work, the dietitian provides invaluable help.
  • Nutrition professionals are trained to explain the qualities of food and the best ways to cook it. In addition, it can teach you to read product labels.

6. Improve athletic performance

Every good athlete must be advised by an expert in nutrition, who has the knowledge to assess whether the athlete’s fat-muscle ratio is correct.

Similarly, you should go to a professional dietitian to help you improve performance. He will prepare an optimal diet according to your requirements and the discipline in which you operate.

7. You are pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the moments in life when you should be most aware of your health. It’s not just about your own life, it’s about the baby as well.

In this period you require timely advice regarding the nutrients you should consume, depending on the stage you are in. For their part, the nutritionist can help you maintain an acceptable weight. Remember that in no case should you allow yourself to gain excess weight.

If you are breastfeeding, dietary guidance is also good for you. It will help you to know the components that you should consume to guarantee the effective feeding of your baby and yours.

8. Eating disorders

Unfortunately, eating disorders such as obesity, bulimia and anorexia are becoming more common.

In these cases, the nutritionist ensures the adequate feeding of the patient. In turn, the participation of other health professionals such as psychologists is essential.

9. The third age

Old age is associated with the development of various health conditions, which require the taking of medications. In this case, the job of the dietitian is to design the most beneficial eating plan for the patient, depending on the conditions they have.

At the same time, you can also contribute your help to ensure that the older adult eats tasty. We cannot ignore that as the years go by, the taste buds deteriorate.

As we saw, there are many situations in which you should go to a diet specialist. That way, you will ensure that you have the support and knowledge of someone who understands the process you are going through.

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