After Training: 4 Recommended Drinks

After training we must choose to take food and drinks that allow us to recover and regain strength, without adding extra calories.

Physical training is extremely relevant for every human being. This not only helps us to mold the body (strengthening muscles and skin), but also favors the healthy conditions of the body in general. Likewise, we must know that what we do after training also affects the result. 

To obtain benefits both physically and mentally , physical activity is recommended at least three times a week. And it is necessary to accompany it with a balanced diet.

However, taking the body above its normal capacity to carry out any activity requires a considerable energy expenditure. In that order of ideas, it is fair to seek maintenance through food.

Diet and training

About food there is not much to say. In basic terms, this plays the fundamental role of providing energy to the whole body, as long as they are nutritious ingredients. The human being needs carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, which are converted into calories at the rate of the body’s metabolism.

These nutrients are used in a certain order by the body, depending on its necessary demand. First, carbohydrates are synthesized, secondly proteins (the most necessary according to physical effort) and, lastly, lipids.

Recommended drinks for after training

Taking into account the aforementioned, there are some drinks that can help us to enhance not only physical recovery after training, but also muscle hypertrophy.

These benefits depend on the segment trained and the nutrients ingested. In this case, these drinks are rich in protein and carbohydrates. The following are some of the most recommended after physical training.

1. Banana smoothie

After training this drink can be important.

Due to its contribution of potassium, fiber and carbohydrates, the banana smoothie is one of the most chosen drinks by people who train regularly.


  • 1 banana
  • 4 egg whites.
  • 1 container of yogurt (skimmed).
  • Ice to taste


  • First, we must separate the whites from the eggs. For this, it is recommended to make a small hole in each of the eggs, they will come out easily there. We booked.
  • Next, we will chop the banana and put it in a separate container with the yogurt.
  • We heat the egg whites in the microwave, for an estimated time of 1 minute.
  • After the indicated time, we add them to the container of the banana and the yogurt.
  • We add all the ingredients in the blender glass and process until we obtain a delicious and nutritious smoothie.

2. Milk and oatmeal shake

For all the contributions of oats, the queen of cereals  (fiber, vitamins and minerals) and milk, this is a satiating, nutritious and perfect drink for people who train and play sports.


  • 2 bananas.
  • 6 egg whites.
  • 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese (100 grams).
  • 5 tablespoons of whole oats (50 grams).
  • 2 cups of whole milk (preferably cow’s) (500 milliliters).


  • Before preparing the shake we extract and cook the egg whites as in the previous recipe.
  • In a large container we add the milk.
  • Add the cottage cheese, the chopped bananas, the oats and the egg whites. We will mix well.
  • Next, we add all the ingredients in the blender and process until we get a homogeneous and lump-free drink.

3. Cherry juice

One of the consequences of excessive sports practice is inflammation. This occurs due to the effort made by each body segment, in which, of course, various organs interact.

The most affected are the muscles and the skin. These swell due to the accumulation of fluids, the blood supply and the microfibrillar rupture, which gives way to gradual hypertrophy.

Based on this process, cherry juice becomes a great alternative to combat swelling. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, these fruits are recommended for after training.

4. Chocolate milk

After training you can try chocolate milk.

As we already know, drinks based on chocolate milk usually contribute a large amount of calories to the body. However, you will like to know that these, for the most part, are composed of carbohydrates and proteins.

These nutrients greatly promote muscle recovery  after training. Some athletes even claim that, in terms of hydration, this is even more suitable than water. However, before ingesting it, it is recommended to go to the nutritionist.

Remember that in addition to these drinks, you must have a balanced diet and not force your body to train too hard. If you have doubts about the diet you should follow or the appropriate routine for your body, go to a nutritionist and rely on your coach.

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