And You … What Mask Did You Wear Today?

Do you think you show yourself as you are to others? Maybe you are completely wrong. You will always try to compensate for your shortcomings, protect yourself from others and, for that, you wear a mask.

However, as Alan Moore rightly said: “When you wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were under it. But why do we use these types of masks unconsciously?

The reason for your mask


The reason you wear a mask may have its origins in childhood. A stage in which we were injured in some way and that determined our way of seeing life. For example, if you have suffered from emotional deficiencies or if your parents did not show you affection, it is possible that you look for what they did not give you and for that you put on a mask.

One of these masks can be the so-called “seductress” with which you attract people who can meet those needs that were not satisfied in their day.

The big problem with using a mask is, as we mentioned at the beginning, that we lose ourselves in it, that we believe it and, consequently, we forget who we really are.

We do not identify with what, in reality, is a tool to achieve, to hide or disguise certain things that we need or of which we are ashamed.

Another example may be a person with low self-esteem and many emotional wounds due to parents who mistreated them, humiliated them and made them feel that they were of no use. This type of person can become “a tough guy” who masks that insecurity and fears that are actually present within.

The moment the mask breaks


At some point, the mask breaks. This happens when we are faced with an unexpected situation in which we do not know how to act. In other words, we do not have at hand another mask that we can put on to face this circumstance that you have just addressed.

This is when we lose control, when we get stressed and try to escape and run away from the situation we are experiencing. We cannot forget that masks have a very clear motive: to pretend to be what we are not really.

For this reason, in the face of an unexpected circumstance, everything we have devised so far falls apart. Trying to hide our weaknesses and constantly striving to please others exhausts, tires and, at some point, everything can end up exploding.

How to be free from the masks?


Always wearing a mask can be terrible, and make us feel that we are disconnected from our own essence. That is why it is time to free ourselves from fear, to stop trying to protect ourselves from everything that once left us a wound that we have not yet known how to close.

The way to solve this is to start getting to know ourselves. It is a difficult road, with a lot of work ahead of it, but the payoff can be very fruitful. It is clear that investigating within will cause us to face everything that we have tried to avoid and before which we have put on a mask.

In principle we can suffer a rejection, try to address what happened, accept it, but we can be tempted to escape from it. However, if we persevere, if we analyze everything that is in us and accept it, we will be able to eliminate it.

Masks: the easy option to avoid facing pain

The masks are easy option to not face what has caused us so much pain. However, living with them can cause us to lose ourselves and never be happy. Sometimes we will need to seek help, because freeing ourselves from these masks is not usually an easy thing.

Imagine when you meet your “I” again. Do you know what you are going to be capable of? You will be unstoppable, the balance will be installed in you and everything will flow as it should be. If you’ve ever felt disconnected from yourself, it ‘s time to face your own mask.

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