Black Pepper: A Condiment In Common Use

Nature gives us a really wide variety of spices for us to take advantage of. These are products that not only add spectacular flavors to meals, but also contain components that can be beneficial to the body. In this article, we will see everything about black pepper.

In the specific case of black pepper, it is a formidable ingredient to season culinary preparations. By the way, it also allows us to reduce the use of salt in our meals.

Black pepper gives foods and preparations – such as sauces and soups – that characteristic spicy and aromatic flavor. However, it can also provide health benefits, as it works as a natural stimulant of gastric secretions. In this way, it favors the digestive processes in the stomach.

However, this is not the only favorable contribution for the body. The benefits of black pepper are amazing; Are you interested in knowing them? Keep reading!

Black pepper benefits

Next, we will list some of its interesting properties for health:

  • Black pepper has antioxidants: These collaborate in various bodily processes such as cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol: Therefore, it becomes an ingredient to consider in the case of needing to lower cholesterol. This positive quality is due to piperine, which prevents the formation of fat cells.
  • Relieves symptoms of colds and respiratory processes: Like turmeric, it has capsaicin; It is an effective chemical component to open airways and improve blood circulation.

Ground black pepper

  • The skin also benefits: The piperine contained in pepper that helps in the creation of pigments, which is why it becomes useful to eliminate dead cells – exfoliating power – and to combat wrinkles, due to the antioxidants that we mentioned before.
    • Pepper can be an antibacterial element: It helps in the body’s fight against some bacteria.
    • It is used to treat a cough: It is possible to prepare a tea – mild – based on black pepper and consume it as a home remedy for coughs. Another popular cough remedy is to sprinkle half a lemon with black pepper and suck on it.
    • Fight arthritis:  Black pepper contains an essential oil that can be used externally to relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Also like turmeric, it has a warming effect and a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that will calm you against discomfort.

    Other interesting facts

    Black pepper is available in various presentations : whole grain, crushed grains and also powdered. However, it should be considered that what gives pepper much of its potential is piperine; When it is ground, a high percentage of this component is lost.

    Therefore, it is always best to acquire it in the form of grains;  that is, in its most natural presentation possible. In addition, by getting it whole, we make sure that it does not contain additives, which are usually added to the presentation of the powdered seasoning.

    Black pepper

    On the other hand, to ensure a pure pepper, it is often recommended to choose kernels that are round, heavy, and compact in appearance.

    As for its conservation, it is essential to store the peppercorns at room temperature. However, if you prefer to use it ground, we recommend storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

    Another detail to keep in mind is that if we grind the pepper moments before consuming it, we can take advantage of a higher level of piperine. Also, remember that it is not recommended to incorporate it into food during cooking, as the high temperature causes it to lose much of its aroma, flavor and vitamin C content.

    It is obvious that black pepper is a highly appreciated spice in the kitchen, but it also has many properties that are more than favorable to health. With its consumption, we could help prevent diseases and increase the defenses of the immune system. However, it is important to keep in mind that black pepper is not a substitute for the application of medical treatment.


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