Chicken With Pineapple Recipe

Perhaps it has never occurred to you to mix chicken with pineapple. However, we are going to show you how to do it in order to enjoy an incredible dish with exotic hues. After tasting it, you will realize the many culinary possibilities that this fruit has.

The first thing we want to tell you is that poultry is essential in almost any diet. However, it is important to ensure variety in it. Only by introducing chicken in the context of a balanced diet will it be possible to experience the benefits derived from its consumption.

Chinese-style pineapple chicken

It is important that you understand that proteins of animal origin are those that have the highest nutritional quality. They have all the essential amino acids in their composition, also having high digestibility values. Its regular consumption has been associated with better lean mass health, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients .

Pineapple, for its part, stands out for concentrating a large amount of antioxidants. These compounds have been shown to be capable of neutralizing the formation of free radicals, the cause of many chronic diseases. Limiting oxidation in the body is essential to reduce inflammatory processes.

This fruit is very digestive. It has to its credit an enzyme, bromelain, with proteolytic activity. This improves digestive processes and the assimilation of nutrients. There is evidence that said substance could also have some therapeutic application.

Pineapple with bromelain for the recipe with chicken.

General ingredients

  • 2 chicken breasts.
  • 1 onion.
  • 4 slices of pineapple (can be canned).
  • 1 red pepper and 1 green pepper.
  • Seed or sunflower oil.
  • Salt.

For the sweet and sour sauce

  • 50 milliliters of rice vinegar.
  • 130 milliliters of water.
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal.
  • 50 grams of tomato sauce.
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Step by step of preparation

The first thing that should be done is a rice, so that this constitutes the accompaniment of the dish. In a pot, pour water along with salt and heat until it boils. At this time the rice is introduced and left to cook for 10 or 12 minutes covered. From here it will only be necessary to drain and cool with a jet under the tap.

Once this is done we can get to work with the recipe in question. The first thing is to cut the chicken, being advisable to make thin strips with it. It is placed in a pan with hot oil and salt is added. It is necessary to sauté it for about 3 minutes until it is cooked, but without turning a golden color.

The next step will be to peel the onion and also cut it into strips, in the same way as the peppers. The vegetables will be washed and the pineapple will be cut into cubes. All this has to be introduced in a pan with hot oil, sautéing it until it is well cooked, which will require about 5 minutes. It is important to add salt.

In parallel, the sauce will have to be prepared. In a small bowl, mix the vinegar, water, soy sauce, flour, tomato sauce and sugar. Everything is stirred until a homogeneous texture is reached.

Once the vegetables that we have put in the pan are practically cooked, the chicken that we had set aside is added again. The sauce is poured on top and it is kept over medium heat for another 5 minutes to achieve thickness. From here on it will be ready to be consumed along with the rice.

Chicken with pineapple and mushrooms

If you liked the previous recipe, you cannot stop trying the variety with mushrooms. You can even experiment with other types of mushrooms and mushrooms to achieve varied flavors.


  • 3 oil tablespoons.
  • 2 chicken breasts.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • 4 stalks of celery.
  • 2 red peppers.
  • 250 grams of mushrooms.
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1/2 pineapple.
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.
  • Rice.
  • 1 clove garlic.
Mushrooms for recipe with chicken and pineapple.

Step by step of the recipe

The first thing to do is heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. The chicken breasts are cut into strips and placed in it for cooking, along with a dose of salt and pepper to taste. It is important that they do not brown excessively.

Once the chicken is ready, add the diced onion and celery, also in small cubes, to the saucepan. The vegetables are sautéed and when they reach a transparent color, the mushrooms, peppers and tomato are added. The latter cut into small cubes. A little salt is important so that the vegetables release water and reduce their size.

In another pan it will be necessary to cook the pineapple with a little oil and a teaspoon of sugar. Once it is slightly caramelized, it is added to the casserole where the vegetables were, including the soy sauce at this point.

Now is the time to reintroduce the chicken that we had reserved so that it is finished cooking and the flavors are integrated. After 5 minutes over medium-low heat it will be ready to be consumed.

Make pineapple chicken

Although it is not a very common recipe in western gastronomy, chicken with pineapple will delight more than one. We recommend that you try both recipes and choose which one is your favorite. Both are healthy and have many essential nutrients.

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