Cold Almond Cream With Grapes And Melon, A Refreshing Recipe

Cold creams are a good alternative to refresh ourselves in summer. The most interesting thing is that they are very easy to do; In just over 15 or 30 minutes you will have it ready. Also, if you add seasonal fruits, you make the recipe even healthier and tastier. Here we tell you how to make this recipe for cold almond cream with grapes and melon!

Cold almond cream: nutritional properties of its ingredients

Before showing you how this recipe is made, we want you to know what the properties of almonds, melon and grapes are. So you will know why it is good to consume each of its ingredients.

Properties of almonds

Almonds are a food rich in protein and healthy fats, as well as a valuable source of essential nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet.

  • Heart-healthy : thanks to the monounsaturated fats and fiber they contain, they have the virtue of lowering cholesterol. For this reason, as highlighted by a publication in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , they are likely to benefit from other cardiovascular risks.
  • Rich in calcium : it is a good alternative to dairy products, as they provide calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation and regeneration of bones and teeth.
  • Immune booster : thanks to the antioxidant power they have due to vitamin E, quercetin, manganese and zinc, they reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Grapes properties

To take advantage of the virtues of the grape it is necessary to consume the whole grape with the skin and seeds. One of the great benefits of grapes is that they have many vitamins, such as C, A and K.

In addition, different antioxidant substances are found in the skin, such as flavones that protect blood vessels, prevent arteriosclerosis and stimulate the immune system. They also contain resveratrol, the assimilation of which reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

A recent study, published in the Experimental and Clinical Sciences Journal , has shown that the resveratrol that is abundant in the skin of black grapes is capable of stimulating sirtuins, cellular enzymes that delay aging and that could prevent geriatric diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Melon properties

Its richness in water, potassium, folic acid and antioxidant vitamins makes melons a light and very healthy food. For what properties are attributed:

  • Purifying, due to its high content of water, fiber and potassium.
  • It helps us take care of our skin, thanks to its antioxidant vitamins.
  • Reduces blood pressure, as it is rich in lycopene.
  • Strengthens the immune system, due to citrulline, a substance that makes our body produce arginine, an essential amino acid for our metabolism.

Cold almond cream recipe with grapes and melon

Cold almond cream with grapes and melon

Ingredients (for 4 servings)

  • Cold water (1 L)
  • White grapes (350 g)
  • 1/2 melon
  • Almonds (125 g)
  • 4 slices of crustless bread
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil (100 ml)
  • Salt to taste)

Preparation of cold almond cream with grapes and melon

  • First, in a large container, break the bread into pieces with your hands and cover with water. Let it soak for a few minutes, until the bread has softened.
  • Then, put half a teaspoon of salt and the almonds in the blender glass, and blend them well until a fine homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Add the bread to the mixer and process everything well again.
  • As you continue processing, without stopping, gradually add the olive oil. Then do the same with the garlic.
  • To finish, add the water and put the almond cream in the refrigerator.
  • Refrigerate for at least an hour
  • Pour the cream into individual bowls and decorate with well washed grapes and the diced melon. And voila, we have our dish prepared, delicious and refreshing!

    Final advice

    You can add almond milk to enhance the flavor of this dried fruit. Also, if you prefer, you can also use cow’s milk, although the density will become more pasty. If you don’t have grapes or melon, you can also add apple. Any fruit with a touch of acid will do well.

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