Discover This Perfect Cabbage Soup For The Diet

Do you want to know all the details about the cabbage soup diet? Read on and learn how to lose weight in just one week.

Losing weight has become one of the most widespread desires among people from all over the world. If you are one of those individuals who would like to lose a few kilos, pay attention to the following article. We will give you details about the cabbage soup diet – also known as cabbage.

The cabbage soup diet will allow you to lose weight in just one week. However, given its characteristics, you must be very careful when doing it. This is because it is restrictive, which implies that you will have limitations in the food you will consume each day.

Likewise, it is essential that you follow the instructions to the letter and then, once the week of diet is over, you will have to leave it. With that said, here is what you need to know about the cabbage soup diet.

Cabbage soup diet characteristics

Before imposing a diet based on this soup, it is important that you know the peculiarities of this diet.


The first thing you should know is that it only lasts a week, but every day you have to comply with a rigorous diet that accompanies the consumption of cabbage soup. That is, you will not only eat cabbage soup in those seven days: you will be able to eat other foods, but complying with some specifications that we will give you later.

Another feature of this diet is that it will allow you to lose up to 5 kilograms, although this will depend on both your metabolism and your level of physical activity. For its part, the benefits of cabbage soup are based on its purifying qualities, while generating a feeling of satiety and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Finally, when we say that it is a restrictive diet, we mean that it offers few calories (800 daily). For this reason, it should not be kept for a long time since, in that case, you would create an imbalance in your body, since you need carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Cabbage soup ingredients

  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 6 large onions
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 stick of celery
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste


  • First, you must cut all the vegetables and put them in boiling water.
  • Next, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Let the mixture boil for 10 minutes over high heat.
  • After that time, lower the heat and allow it to continue cooking for about half an hour.

Daily food

As we expressed before, during the diet week you must have a specific diet accompanying the cabbage soup. Next, we detail what you should eat each day.

Day 1

You can eat as much cabbage soup as you like. And also, all the fruits that you want, except bananas and avocado.


Likewise, you should drink a lot of liquids, as long as it is water and infusions. You will be prohibited from consuming sodas and alcoholic beverages. You can eat the foods that you are allowed whenever you feel hungry.

Day 2

In addition to the cabbage soup, you can also eat both raw and cooked vegetables, in whatever quantity you want. On this day you can include a potato if you feel like it.

Day 3

You can eat vegetables, fruits and cabbage soup whenever you want. But you will not be able to consume bananas, avocado or potatoes.

Day 4

Eat skim milk for breakfast and for a snack. He also eats 4 bananas throughout the day, although if you prefer you can replace them with another fruit. Eat the soup whenever you feel hungry.

Day 5

Eat the soup whenever you have an appetite. At lunch and dinner, eat a portion of meat, which can be beef, chicken, or fish. Likewise, add 6 tomatoes to your diet, which you can cut in half and season with garlic, oregano and olive oil.

You must-follow-to-the-letter-the-cabbage-soup-diet-to-get-benefits.

Day 6

Base today’s diet on the consumption of two servings of chicken, meat, fish or pork, accompanied by the vegetables of your choice. And, of course, satisfy your hunger with the cabbage soup.

Day 7

Eat brown rice with every meal and accompany it with raw or cooked vegetables, in addition to eating lots of fruits, as well as cabbage soup, whenever you feel hungry.

Other recommendations

Now we will show you some details that you should keep in mind while you are on the cabbage soup diet.

  • Accompany the diet with the consumption of 2 liters of water a day – 8 glasses.
  • During the process, do not drink liquor or soda.
  • Consume herbal teas, tea and coffee.
  • While the diet lasts, forget about pasta and legumes.
  • Eat potatoes only on the specified day. The rest, do not take them into account.
  • When choosing vegetables, lettuce, carrot, tomato, alfalfa, spinach, cucumber, broccoli, and celery are preferable.
  • Likewise, when selecting the fruits, choose the most appropriate ones, such as: pineapple, peach, orange, melon, watermelon, pear and apple.
  • Except on the day that you are allowed, do not eat bananas, coconut or figs.
  • Finally, keep in mind that once the week is over, you should stop this diet.

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