Effective And Easy Tips To Combat Dandruff

Could there be something more annoying and unsightly than dandruff? It is that little torture that removes beauty from the hair, that fills the shoulders with those white remains that attract attention and that embarrass. We do not like it, it is not aesthetic or healthy. So what can we do to combat dandruff?

Dandruff is often considered a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. It has various causes and although the lack of cleanliness is often mentioned a lot, the truth is that it can often appear as a result of the irritation that a personal hygiene product produces on the scalp. Another of its most common causes is the fungal infection by Malassezia furfur.

While it is true that mild forms of dandruff do not need special medical treatment, in severe cases, the  American Academy of Dermatology recommends the use of anti-dandruff shampoos and visiting a dermatologist.

Here are some home remedies that, according to popular wisdom, can come in handy if you have a mild case of dandruff.

1. Remedy for dandruff with aloe vera and lemon

As aloe vera and lemon are attributed antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it is considered that their mixture in the same remedy can be effective to combat dandruff (when the origin of this is a fungal infection).

This treatment does not require any special preparation, you just need to have the following ingredients on hand.

  • Take a tablespoon of the aloe gel, that is, the translucent paste inside the plant. One 20 grams is enough.
  • Once you have it, begin to massage dry hair. Try to get it to the scalp and the entire head is moistened with the gel.
  • Allow it to act for about 15 minutes.
  • Then wash your hair normally with a mild shampoo.
  • Rinse and have the juice of a lemon ready for a new massage.
  • Once you have done this gentle massage and the juice has been well impregnated, rinse with warm water.
  • Never use hot water, as it damages your hair a lot!

2. Remedy for dandruff with avocado and rosemary infusion

Do you have avocado at home? Great, now you just need to get two fresh sprigs of rosemary to make a remedy to combat dandruff in your hair.

Avocado stands out as a moisturizer, rich in essential oils, combined with rosemary, it helps regulate the production of Malassezia furfur and helps fight dandruff, without damaging the scalp.

  • Get the half avocado paste. Put it in a bowl and make a finer and more manageable paste with the help of a spoon.
  • Make the infusion of rosemary. Boil 200 ml of water and add two sprigs of rosemary. When it reaches a boil, allow it to rest, and then mix it with the avocado cream.
  • Try to make a more or less homogeneous cream.
  • Apply the preparation on dry hair. Do a 15-minute massage allowing this treatment to act on the scalp.
  • Now rinse with lukewarm water and wash your hair normally with a mild shampoo or an appropriate conditioner.

3. Remedy to combat dandruff with baking soda

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Baking soda is a product that, according to popular beliefs, we should always have at home to clean the home. On the other hand, it is said that its application can help regulate the appearance of dandruff.

However, you have to proceed with care, as this is a very abrasive product and can seriously mistreat both the scalp and the strands, drying them out and weakening them. Therefore, it is best not to abuse it.

  • We will start by pouring warm water on our hair.
  • Now pour a tablespoon of baking soda (20 grams) into a glass of water. Stir well and then slowly let it fall into your hair.
  • Repeat the massage so that the bicarbonate soaks into the scalp.
  • Now, rinse your hair normally and wash with a conditioner.

4. Remedy to combat dandruff with white vinegar and mint infusion

In the popular realm, peppermint is said to be another medicinal plant that helps fight dandruff. For its part,  white vinegar helps reduce itching, thanks to its acidity and also contains acetic acid to fight bacteria.

  • The first dilute a tablespoon of white vinegar (20 ml) in a glass of water.
  • Take it to the fire and add 5 mint leaves. Make the infusion and allow it to steep.
  • Once it is warm, apply it to damp hair, massaging it, as in all the previous options.
  • When it has been well impregnated in our hair, wash normally. Simple, right?

Dandruff won’t go away? Visit to the dermatologist

Dandruff usually goes away on its own when shampoo is changed and other measures are taken (such as washing sheets, blankets, and towels with hot water and plenty of laundry soap, etc.

Remember that if dandruff is severe, it is best to go to the dermatologist to indicate an appropriate treatment. And finally, avoid natural remedies in these cases, as they could be counterproductive.

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