Fennel And Lemon Drink, A Wonderful Remedy

One of the most classic remedies to combat poor digestion is to drink an infusion of fennel and lemon.

We all know. However, it will be very interesting for you to discover that this healthy drink hides many more benefits.

Fennel belongs to the same family as celery, coriander, dill, or parsley. We have told you about all of them in our space, but until now, we had not told you something even more exceptional: the fact of combining this plant with the juice of a lemon.

This infusion has been used since ancient times to treat countless ailments. It is clear, without a doubt, that this type of natural remedies does not “cure”, they are simple enhancers of well-being, those that are always worth including in our day to day.

Here’s what this wonderful drink can do for you.

Fennel and lemon drink: 8 reasons to drink it from now on

While lemon is, without a doubt, one of the most consumed fruits and that is most liked in general, fennel is not usually in all kitchens.

There are those who do not like that touch of anise, others do not know very well how to take advantage of it and some prefer to find other sources of help in different vegetables that have nothing to do with fennel.

It’s a shame, because few things can be as adequate as having a fennel and lemon infusion twenty minutes after eating.

We explain why.

1. This infusion is good to fight anemia

Fennel contains iron and histidine. The latter is an amino acid that, together with iron, favors the production of hemoglobin.

In addition, if we supplement it with vitamin C, we help the iron to settle and we do not lose it when combining it with other nutrients.

2. Improves digestion

In many Mediterranean cultures it was a tradition to chew fennel seeds after meals. In addition to fighting bad breath, fennel and lemon stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, while reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Also, this natural drink will help you to facilitate the correct absorption of nutrients from food. Hence, it is ideal to take the infusion about 20 minutes after the main meal of the day.

3. Goodbye to constipation

Lemon tea

To benefit from the laxative virtues of this fennel and lemon drink, it should be taken in the morning and on an empty stomach. If the infusion is also warm, we will be able to clean the intestines, while stimulating their mobility. It’s a fantastic thing.

4. A very suitable drink for your heart

Fennel is a great source of fiber. This factor, added to the antioxidant power of lemon, will help us to “drag” the cholesterol that may be in the bloodstream.

Nor can we forget potassium, a mineral present in both fennel and lemon that will facilitate the transmission and generation of the nerve impulse so that our heart pumps hard.

5. Helps us fight cancer

We are all clear that it is not in our power to prevent cancer 100%. However, what we can do is lead a healthier life and take advantage of those resources that nature offers us to take care of our well-being and inner balance.

Fennel and lemon concentrate a large number of flavonoids, alkaloids and phenols. Together, they act as natural protectors against the mutation of normal cells into cancer cells.

6. Drink of fennel and lemon to control blood pressure

Red blood cells

We mentioned it before: this drink is very rich in potassium. This means that, if we get used to taking it regularly, we will take advantage of its properties as a natural vasodilator. If you have high blood pressure, do not hesitate to take advantage of this resource so full of virtues.

7. An aid for kidney colic

Fennel contains an element called anethole, a component found in fennel essential oil itself and which gives it that unique smell and taste.

Anethole is very useful in treating painful kidney colic. Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, in addition to achieving the destruction of stones, we facilitate their proper elimination.

8. Strengthen your immune system

One glass a day is enough to take advantage of its high content of vitamin C, vitamin B3, provitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Your immune system and your defenses will thank you.

How to make my fennel lemon drink


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 small bulb of fennel
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • Honey (optional)


  • The first thing we will do is wash the fennel bulb well and cut it into smaller pieces.
  • Heat that liter of water and add the fennel so that it cooks properly for 20 minutes.
  • After that time, let it rest and keep the water obtained.
  • Then take it to a glass bottle and then add the lemon juice . Sweeten with honey if you need it.
  • Drink after your main meals.

We hope you can enjoy the wonderful anti-inflammatory properties of this drink. You will certainly feel lighter and more hydrated.

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