Fibromyalgia And Pregnancy

When there is fibromyalgia and pregnancy simultaneously, the effects can be very different for each woman. There are those who report improvement in all symptoms, while others suffer worse signs.

Fibromyalgia and pregnancy is a relationship little explored and little taken into account. Although the pathology is defined and diagnosed in women of different ages, when it occurs during pregnancy it has its peculiarities.

The problem is that, since it is a disease that depends a lot on each personality in the manifestation of symptoms, it is difficult to establish what is to be expected and what is abnormal. We are going to tell you in this article what is known about it and how the problem can be addressed.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is defined as a rheumatological disease of neurological origin. The precise organic causes that cause it have not yet been established. 90% of those who suffer from it are women  and it can appear at any age, but is most common between the ages of 40 and 49.

The disease is characterized by pain in the muscles, bones, ligaments and joints . Also due to the continuous presence of fatigue, insomnia and headaches. Depression and anxiety are present to a great extent.

The intensity of the symptoms varies, having periods in which they become milder, and others in which they are more intense. There is a correlation between stress  and severity of the manifestations .

Fibromyalgia and pregnancy

Some systematic reviews have been carried out to find out the relationship between fibromyalgia and pregnancy. In this regard,  there are no conclusive data . Research reveals that both conditions lead to very different effects, sometimes enhancing and sometimes enhancing one another.

There is, therefore, no full agreement among scientists regarding the interrelationships between fibromyalgia and pregnancy. While some claim that pregnancy reduces the symptoms of the disease, others believe that it makes them more severe.

Many times the doubt appears as to whether fibromyalgia and pregnancy are compatible. The answer is that they are. A woman with this condition has no problem continuing the pregnancy.  nor to complete it successfully. There is no evidence that this disease affects the baby.

Those who argue that the severity of fibromyalgia symptoms decrease during pregnancy is based on the fact that during pregnancy there is a decrease in an ovarian hormone called relaxin . This would help relax the muscles. and it would result in a decrease in pain.

However, a study carried out in Norway in 1997 pointed out the opposite . According to this research, pregnant women have more severe fibromyalgia symptoms during pregnancy.

The study noted that pain increased dramatically during the last trimester of pregnancy. Likewise, these women had a very marked tendency to suffer postpartum depression . Research clarifies that fibromyalgia does not affect the health of the baby.


Fibromyalgia and pregnancy share several manifestations in common . Specifically, in both conditions there is greater fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances, although for different reasons and at different intensities.

Some research shows that many women experience fibromyalgia symptoms as if they were pregnant. At the same time, after delivery, almost all mothers report that some of their symptoms worsen.

The greatest risk detected is that of the formation of blood clots, the development of diabetes and an increase in the level of blood pressure. The same investigations estimate 35% the risk of premature birth, as well as up to 50% incidence of underweight babies.

These mothers are at higher risk of anemia and obesity. However, the association is not with certainty derived from the disease. It is suspected that the application of the treatments influence in the form of adverse reactions.

Muscle pain in pregnancy

Fibromyalgia affects pregnancy and postpartum

The main difficulties caused by the combination of fibromyalgia and pregnancy are concentrated in the postpartum period. . Apparently, a good number of women experience an increase in the intensity of symptoms and an increase in the incidence of depression.

Not all pregnant women are able to give their children breast milk, since chronic muscle pain can make this practice difficult. Likewise, postpartum depression becomes very severe, so It is advisable to have additional help during the first months of the baby’s life .

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