Hasselback Style Baked Stuffed Potatoes

Baked stuffed potatoes are a food that we can prepare very easily at home. You can get amazing combinations with them! They are more than versatile.

This time we will explain to you what are hasselback style baked stuffed potatoes … And of course, how they are prepared!

Although the name may sound a bit strange to you, very elaborate food from a “chic” restaurant or a food that you don’t know if you would eat; it is very, very simple.

The interesting thing about these potatoes is the cut they are made of, not so much the filling (which can be to everyone’s taste).

Hasselback Baked Stuffed Potatoes Recipe 1

Before starting with the ingredient list and also the preparation guidelines, a word of advice:

  • When cutting the potatoes, do not let the knife reach the end of the vegetable  as if you were going to prepare them in slices, but rather they have to be like a kind of “accordion”.
  • This is how you get the unique hasselback style.

    It is a perfect accompaniment to any dish of meat, chicken, fish, also soy burgers or the ingredient you prefer (there are lentils, chickpeas, aduki, quinoa … a whole world of vegetarian flavors).

    We’ve already done a pretty extensive presentation, so now it’s time for recipe # 1 for hasselback baked stuffed potatoes.


    • Potatoes required amount.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • Butter to taste
    • Aromatic herbs and spices to taste.

    Steps to follow

    • Wash the potatoes well (try to make them as uniform as possible in terms of shape). Then, without peeling, cut the slices as we have explained before, that is, without cutting each slice 100%.
    • Place in a baking dish with a drizzle of oil and then turn on the oven.
    • Open the accordion a little and also season.
    • Then spread with butter and sprinkle the aromatic herbs that you like the most, they can be: rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme, dehydrated garlic, etc.
    • Then bake for 15 minutes, until they are tender.

    Other Options for Baked Hasselback Stuffed Potatoes

    Go ahead and bake the potatoes this way the next time you want to eat this delicious food. Surprise everyone at home!

    Show that you are an expert chef, worthy of the best restaurant in the city or a cooking show of those that are on television.

    Since the hasselback potato procedure is very simple, we suggest some filling ideas that are worth trying. Pick one at a time and you’ll never get bored!

    Needless to say, you can prepare your own variations with what you have at home or what you like the most.

    Hasselback potato idea 1


    • Olive oil.
    • Salt flakes.
    • Freshly ground black pepper
    • 3 finely chopped garlic.

    Hasselback potato idea 2

    baked stuffed potatoes


    • 2 slices of bacon.
    • Salt.
    • Gorgonzola cheese to taste.
    • Oregano.

    Hasselback potato idea 3


    • 8 cloves of garlic, finely chopped.
    • Butter.
    • ½ teaspoon dried oregano.
    • Salt flakes.
    • Pepper to taste
    • Olive oil.
    • ½ chilli.

    Hasselback potato idea 4


    • Fresh tomato (it can be cherry).
    • Bacon slices.
    • Slices of mozzarella cheese.
    • 1 clove of garlic, finely minced.
    • Olive oil.
    • Spices to taste: rosemary, thyme, oregano, also basil, etc.
    • Salt.

    In less than half an hour you will have a starter or a perfect companion for your meals. Rich, healthy, natural and also easy to do. Ideal for when you come home from work and have no idea what to cook for dinner!

    You can make the filling with whatever you have at home, always remembering to use a fatty medium such as butter or olive oil, so that they are more crunchy; the salt and also the spices to give it that personal touch that we like so much in the kitchen.

    Finally, an additional tip to cut the potatoes well in the hasselback style without cutting the slices completely:

    • you can support the potato on a large spoon; on two chopsticks or rods; or you can also pierce the potato with a skewer as close to the base as it will act as a “top”. Don’t forget to remove it before filling.

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