How Do Fruits Act Against Weight Loss?

Fruits have a large amount of essential micronutrients for the body. However, the sugar content of some of them makes it advisable to consume them in a limited way.

If you are choosing to follow a diet to achieve weight loss, you must carefully monitor what you are going to consume. It is always important to have adequate nutritional information for those foods that can provide benefits to the diet, and those that are not really necessary at all. 

Next, the group of fruits, essential in the plane of a varied and balanced diet, will be addressed . These foods have vitamins and micronutrients essential for health and we can consume those that we like the most. However, some fruits will add value to your diet.

Effect of fruits against weight loss


Grapes have a high sugar content and are rich in minerals . It also has properties that allow to take care of the bones and prevent some diseases such as Alzheimer’s and colon cancer. This is due to the presence of some phytonutrients in its composition, tannins, with marked antioxidant properties, as stated in an article published in the journal “Molecular Neurobiology”.

However, adding it to a diet will not provide any weight loss effects. Rather depending on the type of grape harvested per season, some body fat could be gained . This is due to its low fiber content and its contribution of simple sugars. In these cases, it is better to consume it in moderation.

Custard apple

This fruit against weight loss does not have a significant influence. Its consumption can be done at any time without obtaining any type of extra bodily benefit It has a high sugar content, is low in fat and protein. Although it does provide minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, and sufficient fiber content. This could regulate the digestive system.


avocado and avocado cream

A very profitable and appetizing fruit to eat. It is usually accompanied in many food dishes, and it is highly recommended that people who have metabolic problems or disorders consume it. 

Eating half an avocado a day is equivalent to a high calorie and fat portion for the body. There are no studies to support weight gain from avocado. But, due to its high calorie content , it is best to moderate your intake.


Coconut is also high in calories and sugars. It has been shown that coconut oil or milk contains the same amount of saturated fat as an equivalent piece of meat.

  Although there are people and experts who mention the benefits of these fruits against weight loss, it is necessary to regulate their consumption. However, its regular intake can offer benefits at the cardiovascular level, according to an article published in the journal “Nutrition Reviews.”


The ripe banana offers high content of iron, potassium and fructose. Consuming foods that contain considerable amounts of fructose constantly during a diet can cause changes in the metabolism and adverse effects than expected. This nutrient is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, as stated in a study published in 2019.

However, eating at least one banana a  day will not produce some kind of side effect in our body .


Mango surrounded by its own leaves.

This fruit has a high sugar content and a large amount of nutrients. In addition, it is free of fat and cholesterol although this does not imply that it favors weight loss.  Its consumption is highly recommended, as it helps areas of the body such as bones and the digestive system. It is also helpful in prevention diseases such as asthma, diabetes and heart problems.

The recommendation in this regard is to include mango as part of a varied diet. However, you should not base its consumption on the idea that it will cause you to lose too many kilos. Conversely, If you consume it in excess, your glucose levels could be altered.

Being overweight, one of the enemies of public health

Obesity and overweight are problems that have transcended worldwide. Recent statistics made by the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2016, announced that more than 1.9 billion adults around the world are overweight, and within that number, 650 million are obese .

Which has created a state of alert in the world population, causing many people to want to lose weight. However, to do so, you have to start by taking care of your diet. It is at this point where dilemmas are often created about what is healthy to eat, and what is really not.

The consumption of fruits is important when preparing a varied diet. However, it is necessary to increase the consumption of those that offer a greater amount of nutrients and fiber.

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