How To Make A Beeswax And Olive Oil Moisturizer

Believe it or not, beeswax can have a cosmetic use, in this case as an ingredient in a moisturizer.

These creams are not usually lacking in the daily beauty routine. Its application can help counteract the effects of the sun or pollution. In addition, they help to keep the dermis tissues healthy and elastic.

In their natural format, creams usually have components that, when absorbed, optimize the cell regeneration process. In addition, its application reduces the presence of dead cells,  preventing the appearance of premature signs of aging.

The best thing is that there are many ingredients to prepare them at home, giving us the opportunity to choose aromas and benefits for our skin. This time we want to teach how to make one with beeswax and olive oil, ideal for keeping the dermis soft and firm.

Do you dare to do it at home?

Beeswax and olive oil moisturizer

The beeswax and olive oil moisturizer is a natural product that helps us to improve the appearance of the skin by nourishing it in a healthy way.

Its concentration of essential nutrients promotes skin cell regeneration. Therefore, it is ideal to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, spots and other premature signs of age.

It is recommended for sensitive or dry skin, since its ingredients are anti-inflammatory and compensate for the loss of natural oils from the skin.

 Benefits of beeswax

Benefits of beeswax

Beeswax is an antiseptic product that bees usually produce as a mechanism to defend their hive against external substances or invaders. Among many other properties that it presents:

  • It is an ingredient loaded with enzymes, antioxidants and minerals that have been used for human benefit.
  • It is often chosen for its versatility and moisturizing action, as it helps  revitalize dry and dull skin.
  • It contains fatty acids, amino acids and vitamin E, nutrients that help regenerate tissues to keep them healthy and young.
  • It acts as a protector against the aggressions caused by the sun’s UV rays, minimizing its impact on cells.
  • Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing compounds are ideal for promoting skin regeneration in cases of burns or superficial cuts.
  • The absorption of its nutrients inhibits the aggressions of free radicals and, in the long term, prevents them from generating wrinkles and blemishes.
  • It is used as a lipid base and thickening factor of the compositions.

Olive oil benefits

olive oil

Olive oil is a hydrating and regenerating ingredient that has been valued since ancient times for its high content of healthy fats and antioxidants.

Although its main applications are medicinal and gastronomic, its exclusive composition also serves different cosmetic purposes because:

  • Its healthy fats hydrate even the deepest tissues of the skin, fighting excess dryness and the accumulation of dead cells.
  • It has small doses of vitamin E, a nutrient that prevents cellular aging and the loss of elasticity and firmness.
  • Its absorption relieves the aggressions caused by oxidative stress and UV rays, leaving a shiny and healthy appearance.
  • It favors the healing of tissues and reduces the appearance of spots and fine lines.

How to prepare this beeswax and olive oil moisturizer?

beeswax and olive oil moisturizer

To obtain a high quality product it is very important to purchase 100% organic beeswax and extra virgin olive oil. This clarification is very important, since in stores they usually distribute refined presentations that do not have the same nutritional values.


  • 5 tablespoons of beeswax (75 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (96 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil (15 g) (optional)


  • Heat resistant container
  • Wooden spoon
  • Glass jar with lid


  • First place the beeswax in a heat-resistant container and heat it in a water bath.
  • When it melts, add the olive oil and stir it so that everything is well integrated.
  • Remove the product from the heat and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Before it solidifies, add a tablespoon of vitamin E to help it keep longer.
  • Finally, pour it into a glass jar with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place.

    Application mode

    • Take the amount of cream you want and apply it on the skin until it absorbs well.
    • Use it daily.

    If you are looking for a moisturizer to keep your skin soft and free from aggressions, do not hesitate to prepare this simple formula with beeswax and olive oil.

    Use it regularly and see for yourself its benefits.

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