How To Organize The Kitchen According To Marie Kondo

Do you want to learn how to organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo? These last days, the guru of the Japanese order has acquired fame when starring ” To order with Marie Kondo ”  on Netflix.  In eight chapters, the expert offers a series of advice for families with children through her method Konmari .  

Now, Kondo has an interesting philosophy that he has tried to convey through his books such as Happiness after order, and his television program: “From the moment you start ordering, you are pushed to restart your life.” Applying this in spaces like the kitchen, he proposes some strategies to achieve order. Discover them!  

Organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo  

Are you one of those who has to empty the entire kitchen cupboard to get a pot? Do you accumulate   tuppers   no sticky lid?  Is kitchen cleaning an odyssey for so many junk? If this is so, then you want to know how to organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo. TO continuation,  we give you the keys.  

Minimalism, the main rule for organizing the kitchen according to Marie Kondo  

Sort the kitchen according to Marie Kondo

The first recommendation to follow the style of Marie Kondo when organizing the kitchen, is to opt for a minimalist style. Although there are those who prefer saucepans and ladles hanging in sight, in this case the proposal is  free up the space to the maximum for a more serene environment.  

Kondo, in his book  Spark   Joy  (which does not have a Spanish edition), suggests  avoid putting items on kitchen benches, around the sink, or near the heater.  In short, the key is to free up your kitchen work surfaces as much as possible.  

Make an inventary  

To apply minimalism in the kitchen it is necessary  Take an inventory of all the utensils you have. Sometimes, not knowing how to optimize the space makes you distribute different objects on the shelves in the kitchen, the dining room or auxiliary furniture.  

By bringing them all together at the same point, you will be able to determine what helps you to dispense with what has no use whatsoever. Once this is done, go to the next step.  


After taking an inventory of the entire kitchen, it is possible to identify useful objects and those that have no use or are damaged. In this point,  It is time to apply one of Marie Kondo’s main recommendations for organizing the kitchen: “the elimination”.  

As the following work published by the European University in 2019 explains well, one of the main pillars of the method  “Konmari” is keeping only what makes you happy. Therefore, if an object does not serve you or is damaged, it is best to throw it away.

Then, after taking out all the utensils in the inventory, the ideal is to stay only with the essentials. In addition, you can take advantage of this moment to thoroughly clean the furniture and kitchen cabinets.  

Clear the countertop  

Organized kitchen

Returning to the recommendations of the first point, it is important to mention in a special way the need to completely clear the countertop.

Is It is one of the areas of the kitchen where people work the most when preparing food; therefore, it is often splattered by oil or food residue.  

Considering this, having boats,   tuppers , pots or any other utensil  It can end up in more dirt and mess in the kitchen. On the other hand, being clear, its cleaning can be done in minutes and without difficulty.  

Divide objects by category  

If you apply the rules of Marie Kondo to organize the kitchen, it is important  keep in mind that each of the objects must be divided by category. That is, you have to give an exclusive space to put the cutlery, another for the cans, a different one for the pots, and so on.  

Food storage and preservation   

The way to store and preserve food has to do with the order that reflects the kitchen. In this regard, Kondo makes several recommendations:  

  • First,  organize food and spices in airtight jars that, if possible, are in sight.  
  • Then put boxes in the pantry to store and classify food in a more orderly way. So you always know where to find them.  
  • Acquire containers for vegetables, preferably glass to be able to see its contents.  

In conclusion, organize the kitchen according to Marie Kondo …  

It is a way to promote mental well-being and a feeling of happiness. In fact, although some overlook it, the harmony in each space of the house is related  with the mood and emotions.  In this case, by achieving a more orderly and clean kitchen, it will be more satisfying to work on it. Put it into practice!  

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