How To Prevent Hair Loss

Poor nutrition can weaken the hair structure. Tiredness and lack of sleep are other factors that can lead to hair loss.

Hair loss is a very common problem in men and women, since many factors to which we are all exposed every day influence. Climate, stress, improper diet or genetics, among others, are some of the reasons why a person may suffer hair loss.

In general, it is normal for up to 100 hairs to fall a day. However, the concern usually appears when hair is lost very frequently and in large quantities.

Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to go to the doctor so that he can identify the problem. It is very important to know what affects us to start taking the necessary measures and prevent hair loss.

In today’s post we bring you some tips that, along with the recommendations of a professional, could help curb the problem. So, take note!

Tips to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss

If you notice that your hair has lost vitality and falls out profusely, there may be many causes behind it. The following habits could help you maintain healthy hair.

  • Stop using straighteners, dryers and any other device that subjects your hair to excessive heat. These types of elements are usually a cause of hair loss.
  • Follow an appropriate and balanced diet, as food plays a very important role in the health of your hair. Nutritional deficiencies can weaken its structure and cause breakage. It is recommended to have a diet rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, biotin, vitamin C, copper, iron, zinc, protein, and water.
  • Hairstyles that compress the hair produce a side effect called traction, which will also cause hair loss.
  • It is important to rest well and sleep ; Studies have shown that people who sleep well tend to lose less hair. Fatigue and tiredness is another factor that can cause hair loss.

    Some studies have shown that the use of raw onion juice can contribute to hair growth, and that it can be an effective topical therapy for patchy alopecia areata.

    You can rub the onion juice gently on your scalp. Let it act for 15 minutes and rinse.

    Coconut oil

    Coconut oil has a protective effect on hair damage. Coconut oil’s ability to penetrate the hair cuticle and cortex appears to be responsible for this effect on the hair roots. Also, it could stimulate their growth and shine.

    We recommend that, in the face of constant and abundant hair loss, you go to a dermatologist so that the professional can identify the specific cause and prescribe an appropriate treatment.

    As you have seen, there are some home remedies widely used in different cultures for their supposed beneficial effects on hair. However, in the absence of scientific evidence, it is best to follow the above advice and, in the case of abundant hair loss, consult a professional.

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