How To Take A Long Trip With A Baby

Thinking about taking a long trip with a baby is something that, right off the bat, generates fear and anxiety in parents. And it is not for less: either by car or by plane, traveling with a baby is not easy, but it is not impossible either.

Here are the best tips to make your family trip with your baby a real success. Take a deep breath, shake your nervousness away and discover our tips.

Planning for a long trip with a baby

To make the adventure with your little one as pleasant as possible, you need to be prepared. The key is in preparation and planning. Do not leave anything to chance, at least within what you can control, because we know that with children there are things that we cannot control.

When planning the trip, it is important to take into account mainly two factors: the baby’s age and the means of transport. Although it seems strange, these will be the two pillars that will guide the planning.

Travel by plane


Flying with a baby is not impossible or crazy. You only have to take into consideration a few issues.

1. Where will the baby sleep?

Depending on the age of the little one, you will have the option of requesting a crib or not. If you are traveling with your newborn or a baby under 8 months, do not forget that on transatlantic flights you have the possibility of requesting a crib.

Also, do not forget to do it in advance, since they will not give it to you if you request it inside the plane. Check the airline’s website about the age and maximum weight to order the crib.

In the event that you do not have the right to a cot, the little one will have to sleep with you, unless you are willing to pay more (50-100% of the ticket) to travel in his own seat. In case you choose to carry him in your arms, we recommend that you carry an ergonomic cushion for your neck. That will allow you to get some rest.

2. Baby food

Nursing baby

With breastfed babies it is very simple, because you should not pack anything. If you give a bottle, remember to bring the powdered milk and ask the hostesses for water when you need it or liquid milk in small presentations. Baby food is allowed, so you can take several with you.

3. The carry-on bag and the baby’s bag

In the baby’s bag you should carry enough diapers for the entire flight  and an extra pair. Add a blanket for the little one and at least two changes of clothes.

Do not forget the wet wipes and, of course, it is essential that you carry an antipyretic and a thermometer in case a fever appears. The little one’s food, his water bottle and some toy or entertainment should also be within your reach.

In the carry-on suitcase, carry one more change for the baby and one for you. You never know if you will need it. One tip: keep at least two large plastic bags in your suitcase in case your clothes get stained and you should store them until you reach your destination.

4. Travel clothing

When you go on a long trip with a baby, it is important that both of you are comfortable. Forget fancy clothes and make your child wear comfortable pajamas. Remember not to bundle up too much to avoid sweating and bring a blanket in case it is too cool inside the plane.

5. If he cries, nothing happens

Crying baby hugs his mother

Babies cry. Nothing happens if your child does it too. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and try to calm him down. Focus on your child and try to shelter him to calm him down.

6. Suction to avoid earache

During take-off and landing, it is recommended that the baby suck to avoid bad ears, as this information from KidsHealth points out . If you breastfeed, offer it in both circumstances. If you bottle-feed him, have one ready for those two moments. And if your baby uses a pacifier, don’t forget it!

Long trip with a baby by car

Baby in the car seat

The great advantage of traveling by car is that you can regulate the pace of the trip, take breaks and control the temperature. You have many more possibilities to find the comfort of your little one and yours.

1. Choose the best time of the day

Ideally, travel by car when the baby takes a nap. In this way, you can travel without worrying about your little one’s discomfort. In case you don’t mind driving at night, it may be another good option.

2. Make sure you have a comfortable and suitable chair

The car seat must be adapted to the age and size of the baby. Before leaving, check that it is correctly positioned and that the child is comfortable there, with the three-point belt on correctly.

3. Take breaks

Child sleeping in the car seat.

Calculate when your child will be hungry and try to organize breaks to allow him to get out of his chair, eat and have a little contact with you. Do not forget that the car seat, due to its format, is not recommended for long periods of time.

4. Take a spare

As when traveling by plane, it is essential that you have spare clothes and enough diapers on hand. Although it is easier to stop to buy in case of need, it is not the most comfortable.

5. Comfortable clothes

Comfortable and suitable clothing for travel is essential to ensure that the baby does not feel discomfort. Avoid wool, excess clothing, and clothing that is too fine. Keep in mind that the little one can experience heat or cold and, even, the straps of the chair on their skin can be annoying.

In short, taking a long trip with a baby requires patience, before and during the trip. Take a deep breath and enjoy the adventure. With positive thinking and planning, it will be easier than you think!

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