Infusions To Purify The Liver

The liver is that essential organ that we depend on to eliminate bacteria, toxins, viruses, pesticides, medications and other elements that are harmful to our body. It is normal that at any given moment, it looks “collapsed”, and that it needs a debugging. Below we offer you 5 infusions to purify the liver.

Biological medicine usually tells us that the first step to treat any disease is to “detoxify” first. In this way we will achieve a healthier balance.

Thus, to avoid getting sick due to liver disease, it is essential that at least once or twice a month, we carry out a purifying cure through the plants that nature brings us.

How do I know that I need to cleanse my liver?


The dandelion infusion is a great stimulant of liver functions, purifies it and improves its functioning. You can take it in the middle of the afternoon, or even after meals.


  • A handful of its dried flowers or leaves is enough. boil in a cup of water and let them rest. You can drink up to 2 cups a day.

Boldo infusion

The boldo infusion has digestive properties, it takes care of our stomach, intestines and above all, it protects our liver. He is a wonderful ally.


  • This plant can also be found in natural stores. It is simple to prepare, you just have to put a teaspoon of dried leaves for each cup of boiling water. Let it rest and take it after meals.

Don’t forget, take care of your liver. Choose one of these infusions to purify the liver and try it, after a few days you will notice the difference, and most importantly, your liver will be very grateful.

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