Is Onion Juice Good For Hair Growth?

Eat more varied and healthy, get enough rest, stay hydrated, distract yourself to maintain good stress management and so you can have beautiful hair. 

Onion juice to grow hair is a drink that, in the first instance, is not the favorite of many, given its peculiar flavor. However, it has been used with greater regularity since in the popular sphere it has been recommended as a remedy to show off a beautiful mane.

In order to have healthy and strong hair, as well as beautiful skin and nails, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet, in which there is variety and sufficient amounts of the different food groups, as well as good hydration.

Now, could it help in any way to include a little onion juice in your diet? Let’s see it next.

Food and supplements

A balanced diet contributes to the health of the mane and its growth. Now, consumption of onion juice, alone, is not enough to achieve this goal, nor is it enough to prevent alopecia or prevent hair from becoming brittle and brittle.

However, including this juice in moderation, as a supplement to the diet, could perhaps help to have healthy hair. Of course, it is necessary to maintain other good habits and use the appropriate care products for the type of hair, oily, dry, mixed, wavy, straight, etc.

onion hair loss

Recommendations on onion juice to grow hair

To prepare onion juice for hair growth, peel two or three onions and slice them. Then, add a little water and process everything until you get a homogeneous mixture.  Do not add too much water  so that there is not too much liquid.

Once you have extracted the juice, you should apply it to the scalp using gentle massages, as if it were a rinse or a cream bath. Let it act for a few minutes (between 3 and 10) and wash your hair with plenty of warm water.

To apply it, you can do it directly by hand or by soaking a cotton ball or gauze and applying it to the hair gently. Remember that the smell is quite strong. Therefore, it is recommended that you apply it in the evening, a day that you are not going to leave the house.

Onion juice does not need to be applied every day to grow hair, although according to popular wisdom, it is best to apply it at least once a week.

  • There are those who choose to add an extra ingredient to their juice, so that it does not have a strong smell. Some options are: oatmeal drink, honey and avocado. Choose the one you like the most!
  • Never add baking soda, lemon or vinegar to your homemade hair masks, as these ingredients only dry out and damage the hair, as well as the scalp.
  • Another method of extracting the juice would be to grate the onion. However, the previous option is the most comfortable.

Important aspects to consider

In case you have sensitive skin or a specific condition, consult your dermatologist before applying this juice or any other natural remedy, in order to prevent irritation and other discomfort.

If instead of applying it on your hair you prefer to ingest the juice, keep in mind that it will have a strong flavor and that you will surely have to soften it with some other ingredient, such as honey or oatmeal.

Consistency is an important factor

According to popular wisdom, onion juice to grow hair is a long-acting remedy. Therefore, it would have to be applied regularly, consistently, over a long period of time in order for it to provide its benefits.

At this point, keep in mind that, along with its application (or intake), you should always maintain a balanced and varied diet, as well as other good lifestyle habits.

Remember that if you are going to consume onion juice to grow your hair regularly, to take advantage of its contribution of nutrients, you should look for a recipe that is pleasant for you, since this drink has a peculiar taste, as well as a strong aroma.

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