The Best Exercises To Increase The Buttocks

Some simple exercises can help us to tone and increase the buttocks to give them a more voluminous appearance. We do not always need to be at home or in the gym: some we can carry out during our daily activities.

In this article we explain step by step exercises that we can perform every day, without complications and without the need to spend too much time, to also prevent the buttocks from losing their firmness.

The warm-up to increase the glutes: walking

Before doing exercises, it is advisable to warm up the muscles slightly. The easiest way is to walk briskly for five to ten minutes.

walk Let ideas Compete

This exercise helps us to work the hips, thighs and, of course, the buttocks.

To do this, we will separate the feet, which are located proportionally to the hips, and we will bend the knees as if we were going to sit down. It is important to always keep your back straight and your knees not exceeding the distance between your toes. While we do this exercise we will bring our arms forward. Little by little we will raise our bodies again and relax our arms.

We can also do this exercise with our back to the wall so that, when descending, the back is supported straight on the wall. In this case the feet will be at a certain distance from the wall.

We can start with 15 squats and increase each day by five at a time, always depending on our capacity.

On all fours

This exercise is quite powerful and you will be able to notice its effects relatively quickly, provided it is done correctly.

To do this, we will get on all fours. We recommend putting a mat or something soft underneath to avoid knee pain. Next, we will position ourselves with the back very straight horizontally, the abdominals very firm and the arms also very straight vertically.

Another option would be to rest your elbows on the ground, in case your arms or back hurt. Then, we will raise one leg back, straight, and we will raise and lower it without reaching the ground. Then we will repeat with the other leg.

We can also do the same exercise but with the knee bent at a right angle, also going up and down.

The bridge

To do this exercise we will lie on our back. Next, we will put the legs open and bent at the same distance as the hips, and the arms stretched along the body.

Slowly we will lift the body off the ground, squeezing the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks very hard. We will hold this position until we get as high as possible.

Finally, we will descend slowly and let our back rest calmly on the ground. We do not recommend this exercise for people suffering from lordosis (deviation of the spine forwards).

The bicycle to increase the glutes

If you have the possibility to move daily by bicycle, this is another way to increase the buttocks. However, you have to know that for these exercises to work on your buttocks, you will have to perform them at medium-high intensity.

increase glutes

Do you want to increase and tone your buttocks? These exercises will help you. Go ahead and perform them periodically and you will see how you soon notice the results.

All in all, remember that you must do them correctly to avoid injury. In addition, we recommend that you add these exercises progressively to your routine, especially if you do not do sports regularly.

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