There Are Those Who Have So Little That They Only Have Money

This phrase may surprise many. While it is true that to live we need an economic retribution and that a full pocket avoids suffering hardships, money is not always synonymous with happiness. There are people who are so poor of emotions, joys, friendships and affection that they only have money.

The emotional well-being of people is subject to other factors. Whether you are one of those who think that money does bring happiness or those who believe that it is just the opposite, we invite you to reflect on these questions for a moment.

Money and the double side of happiness

Whether we like it or not, this is an area on which we will never agree. Not us, not psychologists, sociologists or anthropologists. So much so that we have studies and works that justify both approaches.

The money that gives happiness is not based on the possession of goods

Woman with plate full of butterflies breaking free of money.

A recent study carried out by the UK’s National Institute of Statistics has reached this conclusion. It is, without a doubt, a curious fact that is worth explaining.

  • According to this study in which high-income people have been asked, happiness is related to having a good financial disposition.
  • In other words, people feel more satisfied knowing that their income is continuous and that they have a good checking account. On the other hand, having multiple houses, cars, antiques, or land was not related to happiness.

Experts explain to us that this fact is due to the instant crisis that we experienced during these years. The peace of mind of knowing that one is covered for any problem or incident offers greater well-being than the fact of accumulating objects or goods. Money is only important when you have little.

For psychologists, money does not bring happiness

Let’s now look at the other part of the coin. Groucho Marx told us that “There are many things in life more important than money. But they cost so much! ”.

It is true that the economic disposition is synonymous with well-being. With this we cover our needs and those of our family. However, the key would be in balance and objectivity.

According to a work published at the University of British Columbia,  money can be a more effective tool for reducing sadness than for improving happiness. Higher income is related to a lower feeling of sadness or worry. However, it does not necessarily eliminate other emotions such as anger or frustration.

Well-being has multiple components. We must understand that sadness is not the reverse of happiness. That is to say, whoever seeks a reason daily not to be sad, not to feel lonely, is not exactly happy.

This is then the conclusion reached by the work carried out by Columbia University, and that psychologists justify us with a simple example: an increase in salary in a home will reduce daily sadness but will not necessarily bring happiness, because happiness is not found, it is built.

Emotional well-being does not depend on money

Money will help us to eat well, to distract ourselves, to have beautiful, interesting and spectacular things. However, whoever believes that all this will nourish his heart is wrong.

  • Happiness is within oneself and in the connections we make with others, with the people we love.
  • Affection is not bought, a child’s laughter does not work with coins, the moments of illusion, of complicity with a friend or with our partner do not work with checkbooks, but with emotions, with reciprocity, with love and with sincerity.

No one can deny that money can change our lives. In addition, it frees us from the anxiety caused by not being able to pay the bills. However, a row of zeros after a number will never fill the voids of the soul or bring that joy and serenity that very humble people with hardly anything show us on a daily basis.

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