What Are The Causes Of Heartburn?

Pain or burning in the mouth of the abdomen, also called heartburn , is a common symptom in the adult population. Gastroesophageal reflux is sometimes referred to interchangeably, although they are not entirely synonymous. In this space we will tell you what it is and what are the causes of heartburn.

Both the burning sensation in the stomach area, as well as the manifestation itself, but which rises behind the sternum (the chest bone that is in front of the heart), to some degree can be trivial. Still, some lifestyle changes are required to fix them.

What is heartburn?

The stomach is an organ that is part of the upper digestive system. It is located in the abdomen, in the central and upper part of it. Above is the esophagus and below the small intestine.

The role of the stomach is to help break down food. AND The acid it produces, called gastric , facilitates the digestion of proteins and the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin B12.  Besides, and Gastric acid kills a large part of ingested microorganisms and limits bacterial growth, thereby preventing intestinal infections. 

If the stomach acid does not continue to the intestine, but returns to the esophagus, we are dealing with gastroesophageal reflux. We must clarify that a certain degree of this reflux is physiological. These episodes usually occur after meals, are short-lived, cause no symptoms, and rarely occur during sleep.

Instead, When reflux causes bothersome symptoms or complications, it is called non-physiological gastroesophageal reflux . This can appear as a cause of heartburn or heartburn, a burning or burning sensation in the stomach area or behind the breastbone.

Woman with heartburn pain.

How and why does heartburn occur?

When we eat, food passes from the mouth to the esophagus and then from there to the stomach. Between them there is a muscular ring called the lower esophageal sphincter , which prevents the stomach contents from returning to the mouth.

When for some reason, beyond what we call physiological reflux , the acidic content of the stomach rises upward, it is possible to experience heartburn. The exact reasons for the causes of heartburn are still under study.

Various possible theories were postulated, such as alterations in motility (movements of the digestive tract), changes in acid production, stress, diet, psychological and hereditary factors.

We must clarify that we are not talking about defined diagnoses, such as ulcers or pathological gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel and gallstones. Although in all these situations you can also experience heartburn.

Risk factors and causes of heartburn

As mentioned, the causes of heartburn persist in the study, but are recognized factors that they are called risk. These should be avoided whenever possible to reduce the onset of the symptom.

Diet is one of those determining factors. It influences the presence of heartburn in some people, especially associated with the consumption of certain products, such as spicy or condiments, citrus fruits, tomato derivatives (ketchup), fried or high-fat foods, mint, chocolate, sodas, and alcohol.

Being overweight can also increase your risk of heartburn. During pregnancy it is common to observe it for a similar reason, since the enlarged uterus pushes up the stomach and favors reflux due to anatomical changes.

When to go to the doctor

There are times when additional studies are needed if specific causes of heartburn are suspected. In such situations it is suggested to consult a specialist to rule out other important causes.

An alarm symptom would be the new onset of heartburn in patients older than 60 years who did not suffer from it before. If this is accompanied by the presence of gastrointestinal bleeding (bleeding in vomit or stool), all the more so.

Lack of appetite is another warning sign, as well as unexplained weight loss or difficulty swallowing. Sometimes there is chest pain that is not related to cardiac events and that comes from the digestive system.

A particular situation is the history of gastrointestinal cancer in a first-degree relative. That is, if the parents, uncles or grandparents have had oncological pathology, it is advisable to increase attention and speed up the consultation if symptoms suggestive of a cause of heartburn appear.

Man rejects food that causes heartburn.

What can you do if you suffer from a cause of heartburn?

In those cases in which the episodes of heartburn or in the sternum region are very mild and sporadic, there are recommendations that it will be good to follow and that can improve the symptoms:

  • Lose weight: if you are overweight.
  • Raising the head of the bed: This can be done by placing wooden or rubber blocks under 2 legs or a foam wedge under the mattress. Do not use many pillows, as they can cause neck pain.
  • Avoid certain foods that make symptoms worse: These include coffee, chocolate, alcohol, mint, spices, hot spices, fatty foods, and fried foods.
  • Stop smoking:  tobacco is a cause of heartburn.
  • Advance late meals: Lying down with a full stomach can make reflux worse. We should try to plan meals for at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.

It is essential not to use over-the-counter antacids. It will always be preferable to consult the doctor about it. In case the symptoms become more intense, appear at night or persist for a long time, it is suggested to accelerate the professional evaluation.

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