What Is The Use Of Having Plants In The Home?

Having plants in the home is beneficial for several reasons. In general, many people have plants at home mainly because they help enrich the decoration, but also because they help purify the air and maintain a pleasant environment.

Now, are there more reasons why having plants around the home is useful? To find out, we invite you to continue reading what we are going to tell you about. Take note!

Plants, more than decorations

Without a doubt, plants offer infinite possibilities in decoration both indoors and outdoors. Its thousands of shapes, colors and sizes can be used in various ways in spaces such as the living room, balcony, bedrooms, corridors and gardens.

However, they are not just decorative objects. They are also elements that help maintain a pleasant atmosphere at home. In fact, when they are well cared for, you can see how they help to maintain coolness in summer and humidity indoors in winter.

In addition, plants help to give the environment a feeling of naturalness, which increases the feeling of well-being and reduces levels of stress and anxiety. For this reason, there are those who consider that it is always necessary to have even one plant in the home.

What is the use of having plants in the home?

Based on all the above, having plants in the home is useful for the following reasons:

  • Attenuate noises.
  • Purify the air.
  • Relax your mind and body.
  • Raise humidity in the environment, preventing it and, in turn, the airways from drying out excessively.
  • Cool the house in the summer, by evaporating water.
  • Heat the house in winter, since they emit some heat because they are living beings.

    What does Feng Shui say about plants?

    In addition to all the above, according to some beliefs, having plants in the home is useful because they supposedly protect from bad intentions, while attracting good luck, health, harmony, prosperity, peace, etc.

    In fact, according to the New Age current , having plants in the home would help maintain the harmony of the same.

    On the other hand, according to Feng Shui , it is useful to have plants at home because they symbolize life, growth, abundance and prosperity, so they can be a reflection of people’s economic, professional and spiritual advances.

    As you have seen, plants in the home, as well as in the workplace, serve to create a favorable environment. To get multiple benefits, keep the following in mind:

    • Green plants symbolize peace and harmony, those with a trunk, prosperity and health.
    • The flowers should be placed in the room, especially the red ones to increase passion, the roses for fidelity and the white ones to end the fights.
    • Those that have leaves that end in points or cacti, must be placed outside or windows, to protect the home.
    • Cacti are related to success and recognition at work, being ideal for decorating offices or premises. It is also said that they can absorb radiation from devices such as television or PC.
    • The round-leaved plants are recommended for the interior of the houses, because they symbolize the money; the thick ones (succulents) favor harmony; papyrus and palm trees attract good luck and those with lanceolate leaves attract positive energy.
    • The plants next to the front door “hold” the positive energy.
    • Plants on balconies and windows are recommended to reject negative energies and attract animals such as birds and butterflies, carriers of good vibrations.

      The best plants for the home

      Would you like to have plants at home? In that case, you should take into account the characteristics of the space where you would like to place them so that you can choose a species that can easily “thrive” in it.

      Although it is true that it is positive that you take into account the aesthetic part in the decoration, the main thing is that you choose the plants that can adapt well to the environment and that you can easily take care of yourself. Otherwise, the plant will not last at all, it will die and it will not add anything significant to your home.

      Some of the options that are usually recommended are cacti and succulents, because they are easy to care for. But if you already have some experience with plants, you can consult with the expert in the gardening section.

      Recommended options

      Plants to decorate the home.

      According to beliefs, it would be advisable to have one of the following plants in the home to attract the “good vibes”.

      • Lavender: cleanses the home of negative energies, helps in meditation and relaxation.
      • Artemis: ward off misfortunes and attract good luck. It neutralizes the bad and helps to find happiness. It can be placed in the baby’s room so they can get a good night’s sleep.
      • Damiana: drives away bad moods and bad thoughts, while attracting good vibes. They also say that it helps to find love.
      • Dollar plant: it is related, as its name indicates, to wealth and material things. Offers economic benefits.
      • Fern: it is the plant for those who suffered a love disappointment, it cures melancholy and provides comfort. It in turn strengthens sick people.
      • Jasmine: is related to love, to increase passion and sensuality.
      • Magnolia: it has been used for many years because it harmonizes the affections.
      • Coin: it attracts money to the home, it helps financially and tradition says that the pot must have coins in the ground.
      • Stick of water : attracts good fortune and good waves, it is ideal for a new house or when moving. It is good to place in a newly opened premises or in an office.
      • Clover: the plant most related to good luck that exists. It has to have four leaves for that effect.
      • Verbena: encourages study and intellectual. Avoid bad influences from negative people.

      Do you think your home meets the necessary conditions to have several plants? In that case, study the options well and choose the one you like the most. Once you have it at home, you will only have to provide it with basic care to keep the good vibes very close to you.

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