Why Is It Advisable To Eat A Banana Daily?

It is well known that a balanced diet must include all food groups, in sufficient and moderate amounts, so that the body can obtain all the nutrients it needs to perform its functions correctly. Now, why would it be advisable to eat a banana every day?

Banana is a fruit that, in addition to being very tasty due to its sweet taste, is easy to consume in various ways, due to its soft texture and easy swallowing. Therefore, recipes are not lacking when it comes to wanting to incorporate it in one way or another to the menu.

However, its natural consumption is the most recommended option. This is because its nutritional contribution is maintained, unlike what happens when it is processed in various ways. In other words: consuming a piece of banana is not the same as drinking a banana smoothie, each of these forms has a particular nutritional value.

Reasons to eat a banana every day

Consuming a piece of whole fruit, “natural” as they say, daily provides multiple health benefits. In addition to providing nutrients and dietary fiber, it provides satiety and helps regulate intestinal transit.

All of the above can be translated into the following:

  • By helping to satiate the appetite, it helps prevent bites between meals (especially from unhealthy foods)
  • Due to the above, it helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Due to its fiber content, it promotes intestinal transit, which in turn prevents abdominal inflammation.

Therefore, eating a banana, an apple or another fruit daily is recommended, as long as it is included in a balanced diet. Never as a substitute for a meal. Now, the banana in particular, could provide certain benefits. Let’s see them below.

Would regulate blood pressure

The potassium in bananas (about 8% of the RDA) helps lower blood pressure and the possibility of atherosclerosis (the most common form of arteriosclerosis), heart attack and stroke.

According to experts from the American Heart Association:

In general, the consumption of bananas, within a balanced diet, could be beneficial for cardiovascular health.

It would contribute to the absorption of calcium

The banana contains high levels of fructoolgosaccharides (also called oligofructases  or  oligofructans  or abbreviated FOS), which promote the absorption of calcium. FOS nourish healthy bacteria in the colon and increase the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, it may be advisable to eat a banana daily.

It would provide vitamin B6

Did you know that just one banana contains 28% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B6 ? Isn’t that a reason to eat a banana daily?

This vitamin is important for general health. Vitamin B6 helps the body make antibodies, maintain normal neurological function, produce hemoglobin, break down proteins, and keep blood sugar (glucose) in normal ranges.

It would improve intestinal transit

Woman eating banana

Bananas also contribute to lipid digestion, thanks to pectin (a soluble fiber also called a hydrocolloid ). This helps to stabilize the digestive system and regulate intestinal transit, as we have been commenting on.

Whether you choose a daily banana or another piece of fruit, be sure to consume it whole to take advantage of all its benefits. Remember, shakes and other preparations do not replace the contribution of the consumption of the whole piece.

Of course, the consumption of fruits must always be carried out within a balanced diet in order to make the most of all its contributions.

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